How to burn 400 calories in 24 min with no equipment. Burning calories is the key to fat loss. If…
Getting out of your comfort zone – Podcast with Wes Petit White Pony Network
Getting out of your comfort zone isn’t easy. Just the sentence alone sums up why that is. Your comfortable, things…
How may rest days should I have?
How many should you take? For a lot of us, its something that’s really hard to do, taking time off…
Get ripped with calisthenics
For years and years (at least 10) I tried daily to attain the body I always wanted in the gym,…
What is the best diet
What is the best diet? I constantly get asked about what is the best diet or foods to start doing…
How to build more muscle
If I told you that you could build more muscle without actually moving you could possibly think I’m either crazy,…
Exercise and eating when traveling in Italy
Exercise and eating when Traveling in Italy Monterosso, Cinque Terra. Our first child free day(s) since Harley…Having visited the Cinque…
CROATIA, Island life
Croatia – Island Life Jumping off the 2.5-hour flight from Stockholm to Croatia into the beautiful blue skies and the…
DUBAI, the perfect stopover
Europe 2017- Dubai, the perfect stop over! Harley being Harley we had no idea what to expect before we jumped…