The truth about abs


If you were to line up a bunch of people and ask them which body part they wanted to either a)Improve on, b)Show off more or c)Both of the above, from my experience the answers would be the Ab muscles- a defined six pack.

Personally, even though I have been tall and even considered “lanky”(skinny and long 😉 ) I never had a defined six pack and set of abs until I started training the way I endorse now… Body weight training.

So, what is the truth about abs? How have I managed to develop a mid section I am proud of after so many years of trying with no success?

Training style
Sure, food plays a huge role, but when it came to my own personal improvement, it had nothing to do with food – because my diet remained the same throughout my quest for abs. What hasn’t remained the same is how I’ve trained. I’m sure you have all cottoned on by now that I no longer lift weights or go for long jogs, and I haven’t for a long time! I do miss the occasional jog by the sea, but that has nothing to do with results and more to do with maximizing my time. It’s either a 40 min jog or a 40 min Bodyweight Built session that combines my cardio and strength training.

Knowing what you’re training for…
There are actually 4 separate muscles that make up your overall abdominal development and they can all be trained in different ways so as to work specifically on one or several at the same time. To keep things simple, any exercise where you are raising/lifting your legs will work your lower ab region. Any exercise where you are lifting/flexing/extending from your upper body will target your upper abs. Next, comes training intensity… another aspect I have found that’s made all the difference. This came about because I am occasionally short on time and really have to smash out my sessions with minimal rest if I wanna feel the burn! HIIT training or throwing together exercises in a circuit combination while keeping rest breaks to a minimum have made all the difference when it comes to my body composition and appearance.

I keep my sessions between 40 min to 1hr and whilst I have breaks at the end of a circuit or exercise I keep these breaks to usually under 1 minute. Not only does this make your lungs and heart work harder (cardio fitness) but your muscles are getting less recovery time and hence forcing them to work harder, in turn – grow and become stronger!

For customised training and food, plans to help you get that body you’ve always wanted, see my website for online programs and let’s work one on one to achieve your goals!

If you would like access to my FREE PDF and Video of my favorite six pack abs workout routine- CLICK HERE TO GET MY FREE SIX PACK ABS WORKOUT